Behind the scenes #1 – what I listen to while creating
Honestly? Silence. Even though I like music (at least some sorts) I value silence more than anything else. However, it all depends on which phase of the creation process I am in, I am not always such a ZEN-bug :) So here it goes.
Starry sleeping mask – DIY do’s and don’ts
You might know by now that my family and I are big fans of sleeping masks. By now I have sewn several of these practical pieces, but during the making of this latest piece I had to admit that I still haven’t learned from my mistakes: it has now become a kind of tradition that […]
3 excuses that stop us creating and how to overcome them
Creating is joy, whether we doodle while on the phone or happen to be Leonardo. We all know this, but for some reason we prefer to hide behind excuses not to take the pencil in our hand. I’ve decided to demolish the greatest ones of these excuses. 1. “I am not good enough” The world […]
3 ways of creative meditation
When I was little, a perfect weekend looked like this: my granny read out some story while I was drawing something. Of course at that time I didn’t call it that, but it was a form of meditation. Today I still go on doing this, as I feel the very same calmness bending over the […]